Baldwin, Loammi, 1744-1807

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Colonel Loammi Baldwin (January 10, 1744 – October 20, 1807) was a noted American engineer, politician, and a soldier in the American Revolutionary War.

Baldwin is known as the Father of American Civil Engineering. His five sons, Cyrus Baldwin (1773–1854), Benjamin Franklin Baldwin (1777–1821), Loammi Baldwin, Jr. (1780–1834), James Fowle Baldwin (1782–1862), and George Rumford Baldwin (1798–1888) were also well-known engineers. He surveyed and was responsible for the construction of the Middlesex Canal, but today he is perhaps best remembered for the Baldwin apple which he developed at his farm, or rather he recognized its potential and propagated it throughout the northeast. The apple had been discovered on the farm of John Ball in Wilmington, Massachusetts, around 1750, and named Woodpecker by a later owner of the farm. Colonel Baldwin's promotion of the apple occurred after 1784. He was also a surveyor and plantation co-owner in Hartford, Maine, which at that time was known as East Butterfield.
Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Baldwin, George Rumford, 1798-1888. Letter, 1871 June 5, Rumford House, Mount Pleasant, Quebec, to James T. Fields [Boston]. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn Bible record for the Loammi Baldwin family, 1773-1841. New England Historic Genealogical Society
referencedIn Harvard University. Mathematical theses, 1782-1839 Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Houghton Library printed book provenance file, A-D Houghton Library
creatorOf Baldwin, Loammi, 1780-1838. [Correspondence, personal and business, recieved by Loammi Baldwin, 1821-1838]. University of Chicago Library
creatorOf Baldwin, Loammi, 1745-1807. Papers, 1768-1872 Houghton Library
creatorOf Baldwin, Loammi, 1740-1807. Poems, 1760-1770. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Baldwin, Loammi, 1740-1807. Papers, 1768-1872. Houghton Library
referencedIn Samuel, Williams family, papers, 1723-1995. Houghton Library
referencedIn Bible record for the Loammi Baldwin family, 1773-1841. New England Historic Genealogical Society
referencedIn Baldwin family. Papers, 1784-1904, bulk 1820-1834. Winterthur Library
creatorOf M., Ann, Miss. Letter, 1797, February 20, Cambridge, Mass., to Colonel Baldwin. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
creatorOf Baldwin, Loammi, 1740-1807. Letters, 1775-1789. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Proprietors of the Falmouth Canal. Proprietors of the Falmouth Canal act of incorporation and minutes, 1795-1806. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Baldwin Family. Baldwin Family Papers, 1763-1889. Peabody Essex Museum
referencedIn Deehan, Patricia. Mishawum : a story of Woburn / prepared under the direction of Miss. Patricia Deehan, Miss Louise Mawn, Miss Maude Morton. Minuteman Library Network
creatorOf Williams, Samuel, 1743-1817. Samuel Williams family papers, ca. 1723-1993. Houghton Library
referencedIn Baldwin, Loammi, 1745-1807. Papers, 1768-1872 Houghton Library
creatorOf Baldwin family papers, ca. 1789-1836. Harvard University Archives.
referencedIn Baldwin family. Baldwin family business papers, 1694-1887 (inclusive), 1787-1865 (bulk). Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services/Baker Library
referencedIn Adams, John, 1735-1826. [Letters and documents] / John Adams. Smith College, Neilson Library
referencedIn Samuel, Williams family, papers, 1723-1995. Houghton Library
referencedIn Boston Aqueduct Corporation. Records of the Boston Aqueduct Corporation, 1794-1827. Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services/Baker Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith 26th Regiment of Foot. corporateBody
associatedWith Abigail Warren person
associatedWith Adams, John, 1735-1826. person
associatedWith American Academy of Arts and Sciences. corporateBody
associatedWith American academy of arts and sciences. Committee on the business of agriculture. corporateBody
correspondedWith Andrews person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Cyrus, 1740-1790 person
associatedWith Baldwin family. person
associatedWith Baldwin family. corporateBody
associatedWith Baldwin family. family
associatedWith Baldwin, George person
associatedWith Baldwin, George Rumford, 1798-1888. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, James, 1710-1791 person
associatedWith Baldwin, James Fowle, 1782-1862. person
associatedWith Baldwin, Loammi, 1740-1807 person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Loammi, 1780-1838 person
associatedWith Baldwin, Mary, person
associatedWith Baldwin, Mary Fowle, person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Mary (Fowle), recipient. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Nahum, 1734-1788 person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Sarah (Pitkin) person
associatedWith Bartlett, Joseph, 1762-1827, person
correspondedWith Baylor, George, 1752-1784 person
correspondedWith Beacon, Oliver, recipient. person
associatedWith Benjamin Count person
correspondedWith Benjamin Count Rumford person
correspondedWith Blake, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Blodget, Samuel, 1724-1807 person
associatedWith Boston Aqueduct Corporation. corporateBody
associatedWith Boston, Mass. Citizens. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston, Mass. Committee for the Boston poor. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston, Mass. Committee of correspondence corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston, Mass. Committee of correspondence, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Bufford, James H. person
correspondedWith Caleb Gannet person
correspondedWith Cambridge, Mass. Committee of correspondence. corporateBody
correspondedWith Campbell, Sir Archibald, 1739-1791 person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, Aaron, b. ca. 1724 person
associatedWith Charles Pierson person
associatedWith Charles Thomson. person
correspondedWith Charlestown, Mass. Committee of correspondence corporateBody
correspondedWith Church, Benjamin, 1734-1776 person
correspondedWith Cogswell, Thomas, 1746-1810 person
creatorOf Col. Loammi Baldwin person
correspondedWith Col. Loammi Baldwin's person
associatedWith Colonel Jonathan Fox. person
correspondedWith Commissary general, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Committee for fortifying Boston harbor. corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee of correspondence. corporateBody
correspondedWith Committee of correspondence in Woburn. corporateBody
correspondedWith Concord, N.H. Selectmen. corporateBody
correspondedWith Concord, N.H. Selectmen, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Constitutional Society (Woburn, Mass.) corporateBody
associatedWith Count Rumford person
associatedWith Count Rumford's person
correspondedWith Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823 person
correspondedWith Cuvier's person
correspondedWith Cyrus Baldwin person
associatedWith David Blancherd, parish clerk person
associatedWith DeLaroche person
correspondedWith De Lesertre person
correspondedWith De Rhum and Moore corporateBody
correspondedWith Devens, Richard. person
correspondedWith Dodge, Richard. person
correspondedWith Dudley, Benjamin. person
correspondedWith Dudley, Benjamin, recipient. person
correspondedWith Ebenezer Battelle person
associatedWith Ebenezer Brooks Jr. person
correspondedWith Ebenezer Storer person
correspondedWith Fletcher, Josiah, recipient. person
correspondedWith Freeman, Samuel, 1743-1831 person
associatedWith Friendly Society in Woburn corporateBody
associatedWith Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787. person
correspondedWith Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806 person
associatedWith General Gage person
associatedWith General Washington. person
associatedWith General Washington's person
correspondedWith Geo. R. Baldwin.. . person
associatedWith Giles Alexander person
correspondedWith Goodwin, John. person
correspondedWith Gorham, Stephen. person
associatedWith Guild, Benjamin person
associatedWith Hall, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Hall, Samuel, 1740-1807 person
associatedWith Hall, Willis person
correspondedWith Hancock, John, 1737-1793 person
correspondedWith Harrison, Robert Hanson, 1745-1790 person
associatedWith Harvard University corporateBody
correspondedWith Head, John Frazier. person
correspondedWith Heath, William, 1737-1814 person
associatedWith Henry W. Longfellow's person
associatedWith Herries' bank. corporateBody
correspondedWith Herries, Sir Robert person
correspondedWith Herries, Sir Robert, recipient. person
correspondedWith Holyoke, Edward Augustus, 1728-1829 person
associatedWith Houghton Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Houston, Ovid. person
correspondedWith Hunt, John. person
correspondedWith Isaac Foster, chairman. person
correspondedWith Isaac Foster, clerk person
associatedWith Isaiah Thomas. person
correspondedWith James Bowdoin person
associatedWith Jesse Wymen person
associatedWith J. F. Baldwin person
correspondedWith John Bumstead person
correspondedWith John Glover person
associatedWith John Goddard, clerk person
associatedWith John Hancock person
associatedWith John Hay, clerk. person
correspondedWith John Hunt person
correspondedWith John Thompson person
correspondedWith Jones, David, d. 1822 person
correspondedWith Joseph Burbeen Walker person
associatedWith Joseph Skinner person
associatedWith Josiah Quincy. person
correspondedWith Lee, Charles, 1731-1782 person
correspondedWith Lee, Joseph, 1742-1819 person
correspondedWith Loammi Baldwin person
correspondedWith Loammi Baldwin Esqr. person
correspondedWith Loammi Baldwin Jr. person
correspondedWith Loammi Baldwin's person
correspondedWith Lucretia, Mrs. , recipient. person
associatedWith Manasseh Cutler. person
correspondedWith Manessah Cutler person
associatedWith M., Ann, Miss. person
correspondedWith Marrett, Thomas, recipient. person
correspondedWith Mary Baldwin person
correspondedWith Mass. Board of war. corporateBody
associatedWith Mass. General court. House of representatives, 1779. corporateBody
associatedWith Mass. General court. House of representatives. Committee for fortifying Boston harbor. corporateBody
correspondedWith Medford, Mass. Committee of correspondence. corporateBody
correspondedWith Medford, Mass. Selectmen. corporateBody
correspondedWith Middlesex, Mass. Militia. Second regiment. corporateBody
correspondedWith Moylan, Stephen, 1734-1811 person
associatedWith Mr. Benjamin Dudley person
correspondedWith New Hampshire Patriot Editor corporateBody
correspondedWith Pickering, Timothy, 1745-1829 person
correspondedWith Pierce, George W, d. 1835 person
correspondedWith Pierce, Josiah, Jr. person
correspondedWith Pierce, Josiah, Sr. person
associatedWith Proprietors of the Falmouth Canal. corporateBody
correspondedWith Quincy, Eliza Susan, 1798-1884 person
correspondedWith Randolph, Edmund, 1753-1813 person
correspondedWith Reed, Joseph, 1741-1785 person
correspondedWith Richard Dodge person
associatedWith Richardson, John, person
correspondedWith Robertson person
correspondedWith Rolfe, Paul. person
associatedWith Ruel baldwin. person
associatedWith Rumford, Benjamin, Graf von, 1753-1814. person
associatedWith Rumford, Sarah Thompson, Countess, 1774-1852. person
correspondedWith Samuel Gerrish person
correspondedWith Samuel Thompson person
associatedWith Sarah Baldwin person
correspondedWith Sarah Rumford person
associatedWith Sarah Rumford's person
correspondedWith Sherman, Isaac. person
associatedWith Simons, Joshua person
correspondedWith Sir William Erskine person
associatedWith Society for the promotion of agriculture. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866 person
correspondedWith Spooner, John. person
correspondedWith Stearns, Asabel, 1774-1839 person
correspondedWith Sullivan, John, 1740-1795 person
correspondedWith Thomas, Isaiah, 1749-1831 person
associatedWith Thomas Patten. person
correspondedWith Thompson, John. person
correspondedWith Thompson, Samuel, 1731-1820 person
correspondedWith Timothy Pickering person
correspondedWith Trumbull, John, 1756-1843 person
correspondedWith Tyng, James, recipient. person
associatedWith United States. Continental Army. corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Army. corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Continental congress. corporateBody
associatedWith Virginian House of Burgesses. corporateBody
correspondedWith Walker, Timothy, 1737-1822 person
correspondedWith Ward, Ephraim, 1741-1818 person
correspondedWith Ward, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Warrington person
correspondedWith Washington, George, pres. U. S., 1732-1799 person
correspondedWith Whitney, Peter, 1744-1816 person
correspondedWith William Cooper, town clerk person
associatedWith Williams, Samuel, 1743-1817. person
correspondedWith Williams, Thomas S. person
correspondedWith Willis Hall, clerk person
associatedWith Woburn, Mass. Citizens. corporateBody
correspondedWith Woburn, Mass. Committee of correspondence corporateBody
correspondedWith Woburn, Mass. Selectmen corporateBody
correspondedWith Woburn, Mass. Selectmen, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Woburn, Mass. town clerk corporateBody
correspondedWith Wood, Abail. person
correspondedWith Wood, Abial, recipient. person
correspondedWith Wood, , recipient. person
correspondedWith Worcester, Mass. Committee of correspondence. corporateBody
correspondedWith Young person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Hartford (Me.) ME US
Woburn MA US
Woburn MA US
Coast defenses
Revolutionary War, 1775-1783
Revolutionary War, American, 1775-1783
Civil engineers
Military officers


Birth 1744-01-10

Death 1807-10-20






Ark ID: w6xw5cff

SNAC ID: 10818268