McGruder Ellis Sadler (1896 -1966) graduated from Atlantic Christian College in 1919 and earned an M.A. at Vanderbilt in 1921. He attended the University of Chicago (1921-1922) and earned degrees from Yale (B.D. 1925, Ph.D. 1929). He was awarded an Honorary LL.D. from TCU in 1941. Dr. Sadler presided over TCU as president (1941-1959) and as chancellor (1959-1965). In this time, 243 acres were added to the campus and the student body growth gained from 1,700 to more than 9,000. The budget increased from $700,000 to $9,387,000 and endowments from $4 million to $27 million, making TCU the second largest private institution of higher learning in Texas. He influenced the growth of the language programs and the ministerial school at TCU. The Honors Program, full use of the College Entrance Board as part of the admission requirement, and the granting of the first Ph.D. degrees were inaugurated
From the description of Records of M. E. Sadler, 1912-1971, (bulk 1945-1960). (University of Chicago Library). WorldCat record id: 243693902
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