Kennedy, Sinclair, 1985-1947

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Sinclair Kennedy (1875-1947) was born in Roxbury, MA to George Golding Kennedy and Harriet White (Harris) Kennedy. In 1897 he graduated from Harvard College and in 1906 from Harvard Law School. A man of private means, he spent his life traveling, writing, and lecturing. He advocated including the USA in a federation of the English-speaking world, and in 1914 published The Pan-Angles: A Consideration of the Federation of the Seven English-Speaking Nations , which was well-reviewed in the political science literature at the time, and well known in international politics circles. He later wrote Why Federate? on the same topic.

From the guide to the Papers, 1905-1946, (Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University)

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Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Kennedy, Sinclair, 1875-1947. Papers, 1905-1946 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Role Title Holding Repository
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associatedWith Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense corporateBody
associatedWith Albert A. Volk person
associatedWith American English-Speaking Union corporateBody
associatedWith Angle, W. person
associatedWith Automobile Club of New York, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Aydelotte, Frank person
associatedWith Baer, Col. Joseph A. person
associatedWith Ball, Elisabeth person
associatedWith Bank of Nova Scotia corporateBody
associatedWith Banning, Mrs. Margaret C. person
associatedWith Barber, Mary I. person
associatedWith Barnicot, J. D. A. person
associatedWith Battle Creek Sanitarium corporateBody
correspondedWith Batt, W. L. person
correspondedWith Bell, Daniel person
associatedWith Benbow, John person
correspondedWith Black, R. S., Third Assistant Postmaster General person
associatedWith Boston City Club corporateBody
associatedWith Bourdreau, Frank person
correspondedWith Bowman, A. E. person
correspondedWith Briggs, Edith G. person
correspondedWith Briggs, George K. person
correspondedWith Briggs, George K. – drafts of letters person
correspondedWith Briggs, Hazel person
correspondedWith Briggs, Pete person
correspondedWith British Legion corporateBody
associatedWith British Library of Information corporateBody
associatedWith Brookings Institution corporateBody
correspondedWith Brooks, G. W. person
associatedWith Brown, Philip M. person
associatedWith Brown, Walter T. person
associatedWith Bullitt, William C. person
associatedWith Bureau of Motor Vehicles corporateBody
correspondedWith Callahan, Vincent F. person
associatedWith Cameron, D. J. person
associatedWith Canaan Public Library corporateBody
associatedWith Canada corporateBody
associatedWith Canada – Office of the Prime Minister corporateBody
associatedWith Canadian War Savings Certificates Authority corporateBody
associatedWith Carey, W. Gibson person
associatedWith Carter, Margaret R. Taylor person
associatedWith Carver, T. N. person
associatedWith Cawthorn-Page, A. L. person
associatedWith Chicago Tribune corporateBody
associatedWith Christian Science Monitor corporateBody
associatedWith Citizens Emergency Committee for Nondefense Expenditures corporateBody
associatedWith Close, Upton person
associatedWith Cochrane, Isabel M. person
associatedWith Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Coonley, H. person
associatedWith Costello, Bill person
associatedWith Council for Democracy corporateBody
associatedWith Crawford, Fred A. person
correspondedWith Cross, Arthur L. person
correspondedWith Dane, Elizabeth person
associatedWith Darling, Jay Norwood person
associatedWith Davis, Elmer person
associatedWith Deane, Martha person
associatedWith Denham, Wallace B. person
associatedWith Denny, George B. person
associatedWith Des Moines Register corporateBody
associatedWith Dewey, George B. person
associatedWith D. M. Mason. person
correspondedWith Dorr, Jonathan person
associatedWith Draper, Joseph person
associatedWith Draper Top Company corporateBody
associatedWith Dry Dock Savings Institution corporateBody
correspondedWith Dunfield, Brian person
correspondedWith Eaton, Frederick W. person
correspondedWith Ehrlich, B. person
associatedWith Eliot, George Fielding person
associatedWith Eliot, Thomas A. person
associatedWith Emile F. Williams person
associatedWith English Mayflower Club corporateBody
associatedWith English Speaking Union corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Reserve Bank corporateBody
associatedWith Federal Security Agency corporateBody
associatedWith Fight for Freedom, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Fisher, Dorothy Canfield person
associatedWith Fisher, Irving. person
associatedWith Fisher, James person
associatedWith Fleming, Harold W. person
correspondedWith Forbush, G. E. person
associatedWith Forrestal, James person
associatedWith Fox, M. B. person
associatedWith Frank A. Vanderlip person
correspondedWith Fraur, Ian person
associatedWith Frederick W. Eaton person
correspondedWith Gardiner, W. H. person
associatedWith Gardiner, William H. person
associatedWith Garrett, Garet person
correspondedWith Gaston, Herbert E. person
associatedWith General Federation of Women's Clubs corporateBody
correspondedWith George, Elmer E. person
associatedWith Gilbert, Rodney person
associatedWith Gottleib, W. J. person
correspondedWith Graves, Harold N. person
associatedWith Greer, Dorothy W. person
associatedWith Grew, Joseph C. person
correspondedWith Griffin, H. R. person
correspondedWith Hal Kennedy person
associatedWith Hall, H. Duncan person
associatedWith Hamilton, J. W. person
associatedWith Harvard Alumni Bulletin corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Business School corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Club of New York City corporateBody
associatedWith Hawley, Adelaide person
associatedWith Heard, John person
associatedWith Henry B. Endicott, Esq. person
associatedWith Henry, H. R. L. person
associatedWith Henry Lyte person
associatedWith Higgins, W. L. person
correspondedWith Hillman, S. person
correspondedWith Hodges, Almon Danforth person
associatedWith Hon. T. Hicks Beach, M. P. person
associatedWith House of Commons corporateBody
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associatedWith Howard E. Coffin Esq. person
associatedWith Hoyt, Philip D. person
associatedWith Hurst, Fannie person
correspondedWith Jebb, Richard person
associatedWith Jeffery, Walter person
associatedWith John W. Worthington person
associatedWith Jonathan Dorr person
associatedWith Judd, George E. person
associatedWith Keith, A. B. person
correspondedWith Kennedy, George Golding Sinclair Kennedy's father person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Malcolm person
associatedWith Kieran, John person
correspondedWith Knudsen, W. S. person
associatedWith Krock, Arthur person
correspondedWith Kuhn, Ferdinand G. person
correspondedWith Laby, T. H. person
associatedWith Ladd, Maynard person
associatedWith Lafayette College corporateBody
associatedWith Leader, Col. person
correspondedWith Leader, Lt. Col. John person
associatedWith League of Women Voters corporateBody
correspondedWith Lewis, William Mather person
associatedWith Lewis, Wm. person
associatedWith Longmans, Green, & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Luce, Henry R. person
associatedWith Massachusetts corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety corporateBody
correspondedWith Massachusetts Dept. of Corporations and Taxation corporateBody
correspondedWith Massachusetts Dept. of Public Works corporateBody
correspondedWith Massachusetts Income Tax Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts Victory Book Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Mayer, Herbert C. person
correspondedWith May, S. person
correspondedWith McConnell, R. E. person
associatedWith McCulloch, Thomas person
associatedWith McGowan, Ruth person
correspondedWith McIntyre, Marvin. H. person
associatedWith McIntyre, M. H. person
correspondedWith McKenna, N. A. person
correspondedWith Mehornay, R. L. person
associatedWith Milbank Memorial Fund corporateBody
correspondedWith Milford, C. person
associatedWith Miller, Alice D. person
associatedWith Mills, Andrew Jr. person
associatedWith Milwaukee Journal corporateBody
associatedWith Mitchell, Edwin W. person
correspondedWith Mooney, T. C. person
correspondedWith Morgenthau, Henry person
correspondedWith Morss, Charles A. person
associatedWith Morton, Charles W. Jr. person
associatedWith Moulton, Harold G. person
correspondedWith Muirhead, Dr. person
associatedWith Mussolini, Benito person
correspondedWith Namm, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Nelson, D. M. person
associatedWith New York Herald Tribune corporateBody
associatedWith New York Times corporateBody
associatedWith Nickerson, Mrs. Archie person
associatedWith Nielson, W. person
associatedWith Office of Production Management corporateBody
correspondedWith Officers' Families Fund corporateBody
associatedWith Osborn, Mary V. person
correspondedWith Palmer, E. W. person
associatedWith Parron, Thomas G. person
correspondedWith Paul, Randolph E. person
associatedWith Perkins, Viola E. person
associatedWith Phillips, Alfred N. Jr. person
associatedWith Pollock, Channing person
associatedWith Prouty, Lewis I. person
associatedWith Reader's Digest corporateBody
correspondedWith Red Cross corporateBody
associatedWith Reid, John Rogers person
associatedWith Reid, Whitelow person
associatedWith Rhodes Scholarship Trust corporateBody
associatedWith Richards, Howell H. person
associatedWith Rider, Sydney person
associatedWith Robbins, Reginald person
associatedWith Roosevelt, F. D. person
correspondedWith Roosevelt, Franklin D. person
associatedWith Root, Harriet person
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correspondedWith Sabattis, M. Francis person
associatedWith Saturday Evening Post corporateBody
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correspondedWith Schwartz, Charles person
correspondedWith Scott, J. G. person
associatedWith Secretary of State (US) corporateBody
correspondedWith Secretary of the Treasury person
associatedWith Seebach, Julius F. person
correspondedWith Sifton, A. J. person
correspondedWith Sifton, Praed & Co. person
associatedWith Sifton, Praed & Co., Ltd. corporateBody
associatedWith State of Connecticut person
correspondedWith State of Maine Office of Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game person
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correspondedWith St. Dunstan's person
correspondedWith Stewart, W. D. person
correspondedWith Strauss, R. W. person
associatedWith Street, Julian person
associatedWith Streit, Clarence K. person
associatedWith Streit, Mr. person
associatedWith Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Manufacturing Company corporateBody
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associatedWith Swing, Raymond Gram person
associatedWith Terry, J. William person
correspondedWith Thompson, M. C. person
associatedWith Times of London corporateBody
correspondedWith Towney, C. person
correspondedWith Treasury Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Tulin, Abraham person
associatedWith United States Army, Head Dietitian corporateBody
associatedWith United States Dept. of Labor, Wage and Hour Division corporateBody
associatedWith United States Public Health Service corporateBody
associatedWith University of Chicago corporateBody
correspondedWith Wakeman, A. G. person
associatedWith Walker, Q. Forrest person
associatedWith Walling, L. Metcalfe person
correspondedWith Walter A. Smith Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Warburg, James P. person
associatedWith War Department corporateBody
correspondedWith War Production Board & Office of Production Management corporateBody
associatedWith Wartime Conservation Writings & Notes person
correspondedWith W. D. Stewart person
associatedWith Wells, E. R. person
associatedWith Wells, Margaret M. person
associatedWith White, Frank S. person
associatedWith Whitehurst, Sara A. person
associatedWith White, Leigh person
associatedWith Wilkie, Mrs. Wendell L. person
correspondedWith Willetts, W. R. person
associatedWith Williams, Cranston person
associatedWith Williams, Herbert person
correspondedWith Williams, W. R. person
correspondedWith Winton, D. J. person
associatedWith WOR corporateBody
associatedWith Workman, W. G. person
associatedWith WSJV – Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company corporateBody
associatedWith Yarnell, H. E. person
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1985

Death 1947

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Ark ID: w6ph60h6

SNAC ID: 17815412