Lee Friedlander, born July 14, 1934, is an American photographer. Friedlander studied photography with Edward Kaminski at the Art Center School, Los Angeles, California. Friedlander has been a freelance photographer since 1955. In 1990, the MacArthur Foundation awarded Friedlander with MacArthur Fellowship. A major retrospective of his work was held at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2005. He is married to Maria Friedlander.
From the guide to the Lee Friedlander papers, circa 1950-2010, (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library)
Friedlander, Lee (American photographer, born 1934)
Friedlander, Lee (Biographical).
Friedlander, Lee (Lee Norman), 1934-
Friedlander, Lee, 1934-....
Lee Friedlander
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Friedlander, Lee
Friedlander, Lee
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