Harry Renton Bridges 1901-1990

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Harry Renton Bridges, a San Francisco labor leader and an Australian citizen who entered the United States in 1920, underwent two failed deportation attempts between 1938 and 1945 for his alleged affiliation with the Communist Party. This collection contains the official records and transcripts of both hearings.

Bridges was born in 1901 in Melbourne, Australia and settled in San Francisco in 1920 where he became an organizer of the longshoremen. As a labor organizer, he played an important role in the 1934 San Francisco strike. Two years later Bridges became the founding president of the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union (ILWU).

In 1938 the government instituted a deportation proceeding against Bridges pursuant to a law allowing deportation of individuals who are, at the time the proceeding is instituted and being prosecuted, members of or affiliated with an organization that advises, advocates, and teaches the overthrow by force and violence of the U.S. government. Bridges requested that the government name the organization and the government stated it was the Communist Party of the U.S. In December 1939 the Trial Examiner found that Bridges was neither a member of nor affiliated with the Communist Party and therefore could not be deported.

In 1940, in response to the failure to deport Bridges, the United States House of Representatives amended the law relating to the deportation of aliens to allow for deportation of those who were at the time they entered the U.S. or any time thereafter a member of or affiliated with an organization that advices, advocates, and teaches the overthrow by force and violence the U.S. government. The Attorney General then ordered the F.B.I. to investigate Bridges to see if there was cause under the amended law to reopen deportation proceedings. Bridges was again arrested in 1941.

The Presiding Inspector in the second deportation proceedings ordered deportation on the basis of finding that after entering the U.S. Bridges was a member of and affiliated with the Communist Party. The Immigration Appeals Board reversed. The Attorney General reviewed the case and ordered deportation. Bridges petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus but was denied by the District Court for the Northern District of CA. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed. Bridges v. Wixon, 144 F.2d 927 (9th Cir. 1944). The Supreme Court reversed, 326 U.S. 135 (1945), on a 5-3 ruling that "affiliation" was improperly construed by the appellate court and that under a proper construction, Bridges had not been affiliated with the Communist Party at any time after entering the U.S.

In a concurring opinion, Justice Murphy wrote, "Seldom if ever in the history of this nation has there been such a concentrated and relentless crusade to deport an individual because he dared to exercise the freedom that belongs to him as a human being and that is guaranteed to him by the Constitution." The trials received national attention, thanks in large part to the Song for Bridges written and sung by Woody Guthrie, Lee Hays, Pete Seeger, and Millard Lampell.

Bridges became a U.S. citizen in 1945. Under Bridges' leadership the ILWU continued to grow in size and influence, and took an active stand against the Korean and Vietnam wars. Bridges passed away in 1990, and in 2001 the city of San Francisco honored Bridges by naming a plaza on the Embarcadero in his honor.

From the guide to the Deportation Hearing Transcripts and Records, 1939-1941, (Harvard Law School Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Deportation Hearing Transcripts and Records, 1939-1941 Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Aaron Sapiro person
associatedWith Aaron Sapiro, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Aaron Sapiro's person
associatedWith Abraham Dickstein, Gov. witness person
associatedWith A. C. Bundy person
associatedWith A. C. Hohmann person
associatedWith A. C. Hohmann, Chief of Police person
associatedWith A. Kuckein, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Albert E. Rosser person
associatedWith Algia E. Reese, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Alta Bundy person
associatedWith Amateur Sports Club corporateBody
associatedWith Amos Floyd Kelley, Gov. witness person
correspondedWith Archie M. Closson person
associatedWith Arthur Bundy person
associatedWith Arthur C. Bundy, Alien witness person
associatedWith Arthur James Kent person
correspondedWith Arthur J. Phelan person
associatedWith Arthur Phelan person
associatedWith Arthur T. Johnson, Alien witness person
associatedWith Austrian, Spencer person
correspondedWith Bacon, Merriel person
correspondedWith Bakcsy, Charles person
associatedWith Benjamin Gitlow, candidate for Vice President person
associatedWith Benjamin Gitlow, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Benjamin Mallary, Alien witness person
associatedWith Bernard Appel, Alien witness person
associatedWith Beverly Chattman, Alien witness person
associatedWith Bittelman, Alex person
associatedWith Black, Elaine person
associatedWith Bridges, Harry 1901- person
associatedWith Browder, Earl person
correspondedWith Browne, William person
associatedWith Bruce Hannon, Alien witness person
associatedWith Bundy, Arthur person
associatedWith California State Executive Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Campbell William Branch signed by the Assistant Secretary of Labor person
correspondedWith Captain J. J. Keegan person
correspondedWith Captain John Keegan of the Portland, Oregon police person
correspondedWith Captain William F. Hynes' person
correspondedWith Captain William F. Hynes of the Los Angeles Police Department person
correspondedWith Carmel Realty Company corporateBody
associatedWith Cayton, Revels person
associatedWith Central Committee of the Communist Party corporateBody
associatedWith Central Committee of the C.P.S.U. corporateBody
associatedWith C. E. Trafton, Alien witness person
correspondedWith Chaillaux, Homer person
associatedWith Charles A. Duarte, Alien witness person
correspondedWith Charles Bakcsy person
associatedWith Charles Bakcsy's person
associatedWith Charles Catherman, Alien witness person
associatedWith Charles G. Bakcsy, Alien witness person
associatedWith Charles H. Stone, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Charles W. Dullea, Alien witness person
associatedWith Charles Yoeman, Alien witness person
associatedWith Circuit Court of Appeals, Second Circuit corporateBody
associatedWith Circuit Court of Appeals, Second District corporateBody
associatedWith Claude Erwin, Alien witness person
associatedWith Cleo Zanazzi, Alien witness person
associatedWith Cole Jackman, Alien witness person
associatedWith Communist Party of the United States of America corporateBody
associatedWith Craney Goldman, Alien witness person
associatedWith Cutler, Emma person
correspondedWith Dan Driscoll, Commander of Chico Post person
associatedWith Daniel B. Black, Gov. witness person
associatedWith David Bernstein, Alien witness person
associatedWith David P. Barrows, Gov. witness person
correspondedWith Davis, James person
associatedWith Dawn Lovelace, Gov. witness person
associatedWith District Director R. P. Bonham person
associatedWith D. M. Doyle person
correspondedWith Doyle, Larry person
associatedWith Doyle, Stanley person
associatedWith Earl Browder person
associatedWith Earl Browder, Executive Secretary of the Communist Party person
associatedWith Earl King person
associatedWith Earl King, Alien witness person
correspondedWith Edward Haff, District Director, San Francisco District to the warden at Utah State Penitentiary person
associatedWith Emma Katzer, Alien witness person
associatedWith Engels, Frederick person
associatedWith E. O. Heinrich, Alien witness person
associatedWith Ernest Ramsay person
associatedWith Ernest Ramsay, Alien witness person
associatedWith Ethel Mullany, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Eugene George Detrich, Witness person
associatedWith Evalyn Waldon person
associatedWith Ezra Chase, Gov. witness person
associatedWith F. A. Cochran, assistant secretary to the Governor on behalf of ex-Governor Merriam, to Mattei person
associatedWith Farrell Schnering, Gov. Witness person
associatedWith F. J. M. Ernest, Gov. witness person
correspondedWith Ford, Byington person
associatedWith Foster Hailey, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Frank Ellis, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Frank Ryan, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Frederick Allen, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Fred Heiner, Alien witness person
associatedWith Gallagher, Leo person
associatedWith Garfield A. King, Alien witness person
associatedWith Garfield King person
associatedWith George Graham, Alien witness person
associatedWith George Van Syckle, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Gertrude Davis person
associatedWith Gertrude Davis, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Gertrude Segerstrom, Gov. witness person
correspondedWith Girard D. Reilly person
associatedWith Gladstein, Richard person
associatedWith Gordon C. Castor, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Gov. witness Laurence Milner person
associatedWith G. W. Cartier person
associatedWith G. W. Cartier (Gordon Castor) person
associatedWith Gwendolyn Ramsay, Alien witness person
correspondedWith Haff, Edward person
associatedWith Hanaff, Elmer person
associatedWith Harold Chapman Brown, Alien witness person
correspondedWith Harper Knowles person
associatedWith Harper Knowles, Alien witness person
associatedWith Harper L. Knowles, Alien witness person
associatedWith Harry Bridges, Alien witness person
associatedWith Harry Bridges, Gov. person
associatedWith Harry Bridges, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Harry Dorgan person
associatedWith Harry Lundeberg, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Harry Renton Bridges, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Henry Schmidt, Alien witness person
associatedWith Henry Sweeney, Alien witness person
correspondedWith H. G. Watters, American Legion person
correspondedWith H. M. Niles, Chief of Police of Portland person
correspondedWith H. M. Niles, Portland Chief of Police person
correspondedWith Homer Chaillaux person
associatedWith Houston T. Parker, Alien witness person
associatedWith Howard Rushmore, Gov. witness person
associatedWith H. P. Melnikow, Alien witness person
associatedWith Ida Castor person
associatedWith Ida Castor, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Int'l Longshoremen's Association Executive Board corporateBody
associatedWith Jack Estabrook person
associatedWith Jack W. Estabrook, Alien witness person
correspondedWith James Davis, L. A. Chief of Police person
correspondedWith James E. Davis person
correspondedWith James E. Davis, Los Angeles Chief of Police person
associatedWith James Engstrom, Gov. witness person
associatedWith James O'Neil, Gov. witness person
associatedWith James W. Ford, Communist Candidate for Vice-President person
associatedWith Jeannine Lowry, Alien witness person
correspondedWith J. E. Ferguson person
correspondedWith J. Leroy Johnson person
correspondedWith J. M. Joseph person
associatedWith John J. Keegan, Alien witness person
correspondedWith John Keegan person
associatedWith John Kessler person
associatedWith John Kessler, Gov. witness person
associatedWith John Laurie, Chairman person
associatedWith John Layton Leppold, Gov. witness person
correspondedWith John Leech person
associatedWith John Leech (Lewis) person
associatedWith John Leech's person
associatedWith John L. Leech, Alien witness person
associatedWith John L. Leech, Gov. person
associatedWith John Madala, Gov. witness person
associatedWith John Mickleson, Gov. witness person
associatedWith John O. Thompson, Gov. witness person
associatedWith John R. Phillips, Gov. witness person
associatedWith John Ryan Davis, Gov. witness person
associatedWith John S. Horn, Alien witness person
associatedWith Joseph Curran, Alien witness person
associatedWith Joseph William Marcus, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Joyce Leech, Gov. witness person
associatedWith J. Peters person
associatedWith Justice Court of San Antonio Township corporateBody
associatedWith Justice Court of San Antonio Township, Los Angeles County corporateBody
associatedWith J. W. Farmer, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Karl Marx person
correspondedWith Keegan, John person
associatedWith King, Earl person
correspondedWith Knowles, Harper person
correspondedWith Larry Doyle person
associatedWith Laurence A. Milner, Gov. person
associatedWith Lawrence Shirley, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Lee Barlow, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Leech, John person
associatedWith Lee Meyer, Alien witness person
associatedWith Lemuel Schofield, Gov. witness person
correspondedWith Lewis, John person
associatedWith Lew Z. Howard, Alien witness person
associatedWith L. F. Wixon, Deputy Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization person
associatedWith Lieut. Luke M. Lane, Los Angeles Police Department person
associatedWith Lilly Walters' person
correspondedWith Major French person
associatedWith Major Laurence Milner person
correspondedWith Major Leon French person
associatedWith M. Ames person
associatedWith Marriel R. Bacon, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Mary Leech person
associatedWith Mary Leech, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Maurice J. Cannalonga, Gov. witness person
correspondedWith Merriel Bacon person
associatedWith Merriel R. Bacon, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Miles Humphreys, Govs. witness person
associatedWith Miles Humphreys, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Mills, Herbert person
correspondedWith Miss Margaret A. Kerr person
associatedWith M. J. Oglin person
associatedWith Morris Wales, Alien witness person
correspondedWith Morton, Pat person
associatedWith Mr. Pressman person
associatedWith Mrs. Charles Bakcsy, Alien witness person
correspondedWith Mrs. William Sherman Walker person
associatedWith Nat. Honig, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Patrick Farrelly, Immigrant Inspector person
correspondedWith Pat Silberstein person
associatedWith Perley Dunn, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Perley Dunn, Immigration and Naturalization Service person
associatedWith Peter J. Innes, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Professor Harold Chapman of Stanford University person
correspondedWith Ramsay, Ernest person
associatedWith Rapport, Morris person
associatedWith Raymond Rollins, Alien witness person
associatedWith Ray Shoemaker, Alien witness person
associatedWith Reuben Licker, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Richard Frankensteen, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Richard Gladstein person
associatedWith Richard St. Clair, Gov. witness person
correspondedWith R. J. Norene person
correspondedWith R. J. Reilly, Solicitor of Labor person
associatedWith R. L Rumsey, Alien witness person
associatedWith Robert MacGregor, Alien witness person
associatedWith Robert Wilmot, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Rosco Craycraft, Alien witness person
associatedWith Rothstein, Ida person
correspondedWith R. P. Bonham person
associatedWith R. Rollins, Alien witness person
associatedWith Russell Walter Thompson of Stanford University person
associatedWith Ruth Givan, Alien witness person
associatedWith Sam Diner, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Sam Kagel, Alien witness person
associatedWith Samuel Charles Telford person
associatedWith San Quentin person
correspondedWith Sapiro, Aaron person
associatedWith Saul Bernard, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Sears, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Silberstein, Pat person
associatedWith Southern District Court of NY corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Division of the U.S. District Court, Northern District of CA corporateBody
associatedWith Spencer Austrian person
associatedWith Spencer Austrian, Alien witness person
associatedWith Stanley M. Doyle, Alien Witness person
associatedWith State Committee of the Communist Party corporateBody
associatedWith State Relief Administration corporateBody
correspondedWith Subversive Activities Research Committee of the American Legion corporateBody
associatedWith Thelma Leach, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Theodore Marion Stark, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Thomas B. Shoemaker person
associatedWith Thomas Imper, Alien witness person
associatedWith Thomas Laurence, Gov. witness person
associatedWith Turner W. Battle, Assistant to the Secretary of Labor person
associatedWith U.S. Dept. of Labor, Immigration and Naturalization Service corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. District Court for the Southern District of NY corporateBody
correspondedWith Utah State Penitentiary corporateBody
associatedWith Velma Phillips' person
associatedWith Virgil MacMickle, Alien witness person
associatedWith Waldon Roofing Company corporateBody
associatedWith Walter Thompson, Alien witness person
associatedWith Wayne L. Morse, Alien witness person
associatedWith Wayne Morse, Alien witness person
correspondedWith William Browne, Department Chairman person
associatedWith William Browne, Portland Police person
associatedWith William Eigner, Gov. witness person
associatedWith William F. Dunne person
associatedWith William F. Hynes person
associatedWith William Henry Howard, Gov. witness person
associatedWith William H. Parker, Alien witness person
associatedWith William Hynes, Alien witness person
associatedWith William Lord, Alien witness person
associatedWith William McCuistion, Gov. witness person
correspondedWith William Parker, L. A. police person
associatedWith William Penaat, Gov. witness person
associatedWith William Z. Foster, candidate for President person
associatedWith Workers' Bookshop of Seattle, WA corporateBody
associatedWith Workers' Library corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1901

Death 1990

Related Descriptions

Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6jf9jvh

Ark ID: w6jf9jvh

SNAC ID: 72513289