Badger, Richard G.

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The Gorham Press, at this time located at 100 Charles St., Boston, published books at their authors' expense. The Gorham Press incorporated the business of Harold Vinal of New York in 1929. Badger was the proprietor of the Press.

From the description of Richard G. Badger papers, 1917-1932 (inclusive), 1927-1929 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612196616

The Gorham Press, at this time located at 100 Charles St., Boston, published books at their authors' expense. The Gorham Press incorporated the business of Harold Vinal of New York in 1929. Richard G. Badger's assistant, Ruth Hill, was named editor of Poet Lore magazine, which Badger also published.

From the guide to the Richard G. Badger papers, 1917-1932., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Epithet: publisher of Boston Mass

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000296.0x000325

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Vol. CXLI. [1914?]-1931.includes:ff. 1, 3, 18 Mary Jennings, wife of H Jennings, of Washington, DC: Letters to Marie Stopes from Mary Jennings: 1914?-1918.ff. 7, 112 Lilian Russ, afterwards De H-: Letters to Marie Stopes from Lilian Russ: 1914, ..., 1914-1931 British Library
referencedIn Josephine Preston Peabody scrapbook, 1882-1899. Houghton Library
referencedIn Louisa May Alcott papers, 1849-1931. Houghton Library
referencedIn Family papers, 1853-1954. Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn William Stanley Braithwaite Papers, 1882-1970 University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
referencedIn H. S. (Herbert Spencer) Jennings papers, ca. 1893-1947, Circa 1893-1947 American Philosophical Society
creatorOf Badger, Richard G. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1904. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn Richard G. Badger papers, 1917-1932. Houghton Library
creatorOf Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878-1962. Papers of William Stanley Braithwaite [manuscript], 1882-1970. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Sheldon Glueck papers Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
referencedIn William Roscoe Thayer papers, 1762-1927 (inclusive), 1872-1921 (bulk) Houghton Library
referencedIn Hyman G. Enelow Papers., 1897-1933. The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
creatorOf Badger, Richard G. Richard G. Badger papers, 1917-1932 (inclusive), 1927-1929 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Richard G. Badger papers, 1917-1932. Houghton Library
referencedIn O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953. Letters: from Eugene O'Neill, 1920-1945 [manuscript]. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Pease, Arthur Stanley, 1881-1964. Correspondence and compositions, 1870-1963 Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith A.C. McClurg & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith A. D. Frenay person
correspondedWith Agersborg, Helmer Pareli Kjerschow, 1881-1960 person
associatedWith Albert Smith Barker person
correspondedWith Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888 person
associatedWith Alejandro Pérez Lug¡n. person
correspondedWith Alexander, A. S. (Alexander Septimus), 1860- person
correspondedWith Alger, Esther Marion. person
correspondedWith Alice V. Rothrock person
correspondedWith Allen, Harbor. person
correspondedWith Allen, Jenny Lind. person
correspondedWith Allen, Mary Dell Cook. person
correspondedWith American News Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith American Physical Education Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, James Burns, 1889- person
correspondedWith Andrews, Irene Dwen, 1892- person
correspondedWith Andrews, Marietta Minnigerode, 1869-1931 person
correspondedWith Appel, Benjamin, 1907- person
correspondedWith Arnold, Benjamin William, 1870- person
correspondedWith Arthur, Samuel John. person
correspondedWith A. S. Alexander person
correspondedWith A. S. Barker person
correspondedWith Augenlicht, J. C. person
correspondedWith Auman, Orrin W. person
correspondedWith Austin, F. E. (Frank Eugene), 1873- person
correspondedWith Bacon, Langston. person
correspondedWith Badger, Richard person
correspondedWith Bagstad, Anna Emilia, 1876- person
correspondedWith Baker & Taylor Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Balfe, Helen Rose. person
correspondedWith Ballard, Charles Clear, 1873- person
correspondedWith Barber, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Barker, Ellen B. person
correspondedWith Barnes, Diantha. person
correspondedWith Barnes, Eleanor A. person
correspondedWith Barnes, Harold. person
correspondedWith Beebe, Beatrice B. person
correspondedWith Berenberg, David P. person
correspondedWith Bessie C. Moore person
correspondedWith Best, Susie Montgomery. person
correspondedWith Bissonnette, Wesley Smith, 1872- person
correspondedWith Bjerre, Poul. person
correspondedWith Blades, William C. person
correspondedWith Blankner, Frederika. person
correspondedWith Blossom, Margaret. person
correspondedWith Bond, Jessie H., 1881-1956 person
correspondedWith Boston Bookbinding Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston Mailing Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Braddock, William L. person
correspondedWith Bradner, R. Maxwell. person
associatedWith Braithwaite, William Stanley, 1878-1962. person
correspondedWith Branom, Mendel Everett, 1889- person
correspondedWith Braunlich, Alice Freda. person
correspondedWith Brentano's (Firm). corporateBody
correspondedWith Brewer, George. person
correspondedWith Brewster, Mary. person
correspondedWith Bristow, Gwen, 1903- person
associatedWith British Journal of Psychology. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bruner, James Dowden, 1864- person
correspondedWith Buchhandlung Gustav Fock. corporateBody
correspondedWith Buckley, Nancy. person
correspondedWith Cajori, Florian, 1859-1930 person
correspondedWith Campbell, Thomas Moody, 1879- person
correspondedWith Capozzi, Francis Clement, 1885- person
correspondedWith Carhart, Ellen Soulé. person
correspondedWith Caswell, Charlotte J. person
correspondedWith Caxton Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Caxton Printers. corporateBody
associatedWith Celeste M. Gifford. person
correspondedWith C. E. Swaney person
correspondedWith C. G. Hazard person
correspondedWith Childs, Caroline G. person
correspondedWith Chislett, William. person
correspondedWith Chrisman, Oscar. person
correspondedWith Clark, Badger person
correspondedWith Clark, Badger, 1883-1957 person
correspondedWith Clausen, John Henry. person
correspondedWith Cole, Corinne Robinson Alsop, 1886-1971 person
correspondedWith Cooke, Allan Worthington, 1872- person
correspondedWith Cooke, Reginald Bancroft, 1887- person
correspondedWith Corbett, Elizabeth Frances, 1887- person
correspondedWith Cox, Mary A. person
correspondedWith Craighead, L. H. person
correspondedWith Crane, Frank Dougall. person
correspondedWith Crawford Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cross, Kathryn. person
correspondedWith Crouse, Beecher M. person
correspondedWith Crump, Bonnie L. person
correspondedWith Cunningham, Holly Estil. person
associatedWith Curtis P. Gladding. person
correspondedWith Davidson, Gustav, 1895-1971 person
correspondedWith Davis, Esther Eugenia. person
associatedWith Dell Mae Roberts. person
correspondedWith Del Toro, Julio. person
correspondedWith Dillon, John A. person
correspondedWith Douglas, Marietta person
correspondedWith Doyle, Michael Joseph, 1850- person
correspondedWith Dukes, Harriet Elizabeth Grose. person
associatedWith E. A. Hungerford person
correspondedWith Easton, Donald person
correspondedWith E. C. Wrightsman person
correspondedWith Edwards, Frederick person
associatedWith E. J. Hyndman. person
correspondedWith Elliott, John. person
correspondedWith Ellis M. Potter. person
correspondedWith Enelow, Hyman Gerson person
correspondedWith Ericson, Emanuel E., 1888- person
associatedWith Erwin Craighead. person
correspondedWith E. T. person
correspondedWith Evans, Anne Marie, 1886- person
correspondedWith Farriss, Charles Sherwood. person
correspondedWith Fawcett, Vera person
correspondedWith F. Cajori person
correspondedWith Fernandis, Sarah Collins. person
correspondedWith Fifield, Alice W. person
correspondedWith Finlay, Hattie M. person
correspondedWith Firkins, Oscar W., 1864-1932 person
correspondedWith Fitzgerald, William G. person
correspondedWith Fletcher, Ellen H. person
correspondedWith Fletcher, Frances. person
correspondedWith Flowers, Patricia. person
correspondedWith Folk, H. B. person
correspondedWith Forbes, Roy P. person
correspondedWith Francis, Adelaide. person
correspondedWith Francis, Robert C. person
correspondedWith Franklin S. Harris person
correspondedWith Frenay, Adolph Dominic, 1889- person
correspondedWith French, Joseph Lewis, 1858-1936 person
correspondedWith Frost, Frances, 1905-1959 person
correspondedWith Fruit, John Phelps, 1855-1938 person
correspondedWith Fynn, A. J. person
correspondedWith Gable, J. Harris. person
correspondedWith Gardner, Emelyn Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Garman, Allen D. person
correspondedWith G. D. Scott person
associatedWith George E. Fifield. person
associatedWith George E. Verrill. person
correspondedWith George Reed Clifford person
correspondedWith Georges, Vincent. person
correspondedWith G. H. McNair person
correspondedWith Gilbert, Helen E. person
correspondedWith Gladding, Mary High. person
correspondedWith Glaser, Abram. person
correspondedWith Gleason, Harold Willard. person
associatedWith Glueck, Sheldon, 1896- person
associatedWith G. M. Acklom person
correspondedWith Goldsmith, William Marion, 1888- person
correspondedWith Gordon, Margery. person
associatedWith Gorham Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Graphic Arts Board of Trade. corporateBody
correspondedWith Graves, Robert, 1895- person
correspondedWith Green, Jenny Lind. person
correspondedWith Griffin, Edward A. L. person
correspondedWith G. S. Hopkins person
correspondedWith Hampshire Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hard, Walter R., 1882- person
correspondedWith Hardy, Lulu Daniel. person
associatedWith Harold Vinal. person
associatedWith Harold Vinal, Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harry V. Dougherty person
correspondedWith Hay, Henry Hanby. person
correspondedWith Hayward, Ira N. person
associatedWith H. Clifford Brokaw. person
correspondedWith H. C. Skinner person
correspondedWith Heathcote, C. W. (Charles William), 1882- person
correspondedWith H. E. Cunningham person
correspondedWith Heilner, Van Campen. person
correspondedWith Helen B. Wells person
correspondedWith Hickman, Thomas H. person
correspondedWith Hill, Lewis Webb. person
correspondedWith Hill, Rudolph N. person
associatedWith Hill, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Hill, Ruth. person
correspondedWith H. K. Fobes person
correspondedWith Hoskyns, D. Hamilton. person
correspondedWith Houghton, S. C. person
correspondedWith Hovey, Mary. person
correspondedWith Howard, Claud. person
correspondedWith Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), 1854-1931 person
correspondedWith Huguehin, Mary C. person
correspondedWith Huguenin, Mary person
correspondedWith Hull, Amy. person
correspondedWith Hunter, Maud. person
correspondedWith Hurd, Harry E., 1889- person
correspondedWith Hyams, Isabel F. person
correspondedWith Jay D. Bradley person
correspondedWith Jennie N. Smith person
associatedWith Jennings, H. S., (Herbert Spencer), 1868-1947 person
correspondedWith Jenny Lind Green person
correspondedWith J. H. Bond person
correspondedWith J. H. Van Dyke person
correspondedWith John H. Clausen person
associatedWith Joseph Sullivan. person
correspondedWith Karpova, Susan. person
correspondedWith Kaucher, Dorothy, 1892- person
correspondedWith Kendrick, William H. person
correspondedWith Kerr, Helen. person
correspondedWith Kimball, Helen Joy. person
correspondedWith King, Willford Isbell, 1880-1962 person
correspondedWith Kirk, Murray Ketcham, Mrs., 1886- person
correspondedWith Knister, Raymond. person
correspondedWith Koenig, Eleanor Constance Sheehan, Mrs. person
associatedWith Konradi Leitner. person
correspondedWith Krarup, Marian. person
correspondedWith Krumpelmann, John T. person
correspondedWith Kuhlman, Charles. person
correspondedWith La Forest Potter person
correspondedWith Lang, Erwin P. person
correspondedWith Lanpher, Leonard Adelbert, 1856- person
correspondedWith Latchaw, Gladys. person
correspondedWith Lauck, Blanche M. person
correspondedWith Laughlin, Mary Quinlan. person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Jean Mitchell. person
correspondedWith Leitner, Konradi person
correspondedWith Lippincott, Sara person
correspondedWith L. M. Crafts person
correspondedWith Long, Harland William, 1869- person
correspondedWith Lorance, Benjamin Franklin, 1858- person
correspondedWith Lorenz, Charlotte Marie. person
correspondedWith Louttit, George William. person
correspondedWith Lovi, Henrietta. person
correspondedWith Lowe, Orton, 1873- person
correspondedWith Lulu Daniel Hardy person
correspondedWith Macomber, Mabel person
correspondedWith Macomber, Mabel E., 1876- person
associatedWith Madge Sutherland Clark. person
correspondedWith Magaret, Helene. person
correspondedWith March, Herman George. person
correspondedWith Marjorie F. Wagner person
correspondedWith Mary A. Sheehan person
correspondedWith Matheus, John F. person
associatedWith Maureen T. Ericson. person
correspondedWith McCormack, Helen J. person
correspondedWith McCurdy, Walter Campbell. person
correspondedWith McDaniel, Bruce W. person
correspondedWith McDermott, John Francis. person
correspondedWith McDonald, D. D. person
correspondedWith McFadon, O. E. person
correspondedWith McGann, Will Spencer. person
correspondedWith McNair, George Hastings, 1868- person
correspondedWith Meador, Edward K. person
correspondedWith Meagher, James. person
correspondedWith Mellon, Evelyn Emig. person
correspondedWith Mercer, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Merrell, Mabel. person
correspondedWith Merriman, Effie Woodward, 1857- person
correspondedWith Messenger Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Meyer, John Bleadon. person
correspondedWith Miller, John T. person
correspondedWith Minot, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith M. O. Evans person
correspondedWith Moore, Bessie C. person
correspondedWith Morton, Max. person
correspondedWith Moxon, Cavendish. person
correspondedWith Murray Printing Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Myers, Alice M. person
correspondedWith Mygatt, Tracy D. (Tracy Dickinson), 1885-1973 person
correspondedWith Neserius, Philip George. person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Seumas, 1880- person
correspondedWith O'Connell, Miles. person
correspondedWith Oliver, Margaret Scott. person
associatedWith O'Neill, Eugene, 1888-1953. person
correspondedWith Ormsby person
correspondedWith P. A. Robinson person
correspondedWith Patterson, Herbert person
associatedWith Peabody, Josephine Preston, 1874-1922 person
correspondedWith Peacey, Howard, 1880- person
correspondedWith Pearson, Lu Emily (Hess), Mrs. person
correspondedWith Pearson, Maurice Wellesley, 1866- person
correspondedWith Pease, Arthur Stanley, 1881- person
correspondedWith Pelée, Lillian Sutton. person
correspondedWith Pemberton, L. B. (Lovell Bearse), b. 1866 person
correspondedWith Penney, Kate Speake. person
correspondedWith Perkins, Mary H. person
correspondedWith Perrotta, Antonio. person
correspondedWith P.H. Gobie Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Phythian, Alice Hayden. person
correspondedWith Pickens, A. L. person
correspondedWith Poet Lore corporateBody
correspondedWith Poet Lore Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Poet Lore magazine corporateBody
correspondedWith Porter, Alice Downey. person
correspondedWith Porteus, Stanley David, 1883- person
correspondedWith Powlison, Keith, 1897- person
correspondedWith Price, Lin William. person
correspondedWith Prichard, Harold Adye, 1882- person
correspondedWith Reynolds Printing. corporateBody
correspondedWith R. H. Fletcher person
correspondedWith Richard Badger person
correspondedWith Richard G. Badger person
associatedWith Richard G. Badger (Firm). corporateBody
correspondedWith Richardson, Isla Paschal. person
correspondedWith Richards, Sara Lippincott. person
correspondedWith Rickman, J. C. person
correspondedWith Ritter, Margaret Tod. person
associatedWith Robert Huntington Fletcher. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Benjamin H. person
correspondedWith Robertson, B. P. person
correspondedWith Roberts, S. C. person
correspondedWith Robins, Mary Ellis. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Francine Pyle. person
correspondedWith Robinson, P. A. person
correspondedWith Roof, Katharine Metcalf. person
correspondedWith Rose, Emma Loomis. person
correspondedWith Rothrock, Alice Vest. person
correspondedWith Row, Arthur William. person
correspondedWith Royse, Morton William, 1896- person
correspondedWith Russell, Sydney King. person
correspondedWith Russell, Winifred Brent. person
correspondedWith Ruth Hill person
correspondedWith Saxe, Arthur M. person
correspondedWith Schwarz, Osias L., 1879- person
correspondedWith Scott, Earl W. person
correspondedWith Scott, George Dow. person
correspondedWith Scudder, F. C. person
correspondedWith S. D. Porteus person
correspondedWith Shaw, Allanson. person
correspondedWith Shipley, Joseph Twadell, 1893- person
associatedWith Sidney A. Ruhl. person
correspondedWith Sigrid Odhner person
correspondedWith S. J. Arthur person
correspondedWith Slawson, John person
correspondedWith Smith, Arthur G. person
correspondedWith Smith, Margaret A. person
correspondedWith Smith, Nora Archibald, 1859-1934 person
correspondedWith Speicher, Earl E. person
correspondedWith Sper, Felix. person
correspondedWith Spiegelhalter, M. A. person
correspondedWith Squires, Edith L. person
correspondedWith Standard Bookbinding Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Stanley, Rae person
correspondedWith Stanton, Stephen B. person
correspondedWith Stearns, George L. person
correspondedWith Steiner, Arpad. person
correspondedWith Stekel, Wilhelm, 1868-1940 person
correspondedWith Stellman, Louis J. (Louis John), 1877-1961 person
correspondedWith Stephen F. Hamblin person
correspondedWith Stephenson, Mary L. person
correspondedWith Stevenson, Ruth P. person
correspondedWith Stiles, Hinson person
correspondedWith Stolz, Karl Ruf, 1884-1943 person
correspondedWith Stone, Helen J. person
correspondedWith Strang, Ruth May, 1895-1971 person
correspondedWith Stryker, Melancthon Woolsey, 1851-1929 person
correspondedWith Stump, George. person
correspondedWith Swaney, Charles Baumer, 1888- person
correspondedWith Thayer, William Roscoe, 1859-1923 person
correspondedWith Tweedy, Benjamin F. person
correspondedWith Universal Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Van Dyke, John Henry. person
correspondedWith Vinal, Evie M. person
associatedWith Vinal, Harold, 1891- person
correspondedWith Viola, William N. person
correspondedWith Viuda de Pérez Lug¡n, Elvina. person
correspondedWith Voss, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Vuilleumier, Jean. person
correspondedWith Wade, Mary A. person
correspondedWith Wadsworth, Rose M. person
correspondedWith Wagner, Marjorie F. person
correspondedWith W. A. Granville person
correspondedWith Walker, Fannie J. person
correspondedWith W. D. Wallis person
correspondedWith Welch, Livingston, 1901-1973 person
correspondedWith Wells, Helen Butler, 1862-1940 person
correspondedWith Whitehouse, Josephine Henry. person
correspondedWith Whittaker, George S. person
correspondedWith W. H. Kendrick person
correspondedWith William C. Blades person
correspondedWith William N. Viola person
correspondedWith Wimberly, Lowry Charles, 1890- person
correspondedWith Witherspoon, Frances, 1886-1973 person
correspondedWith W. I. Thomas person
correspondedWith W. P. Reese person
correspondedWith W. R. Sherman person
correspondedWith W. S. Hard person
correspondedWith Young, G. L. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Publishers and publishing


Active 1882

Active 1970



Ark ID: w6dr3b7j

SNAC ID: 67687476