1901 Barrister, Gray's Inn; 1901-1905 practised at Sialkot; 1905-1920 practised at the bar of the Punjab Chief Court and Punjab High Court; 1921-1925 minister for education, health and local government, Punjab; 1925 temporary member for revenue and education of the govenor-general's executive council; 1926-1930 revenue member, Punjab; 1927 substitute delegate for India to the assembly of the League of Nations; 1929 officiating member of the governor-general executive council, department of education, health and lands; 1929 KCIE; 1930-1935 member of the viceroy's executive council, Delhi; 1932 leader of the Indian delegation to the Indo-South African conference; 1932 KCSI.
Epithet: lawyer and politician
Title: Knight
British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001244.0x0002fb
Husain, Mian Fazl-i-, Sir, 1877-1936, Knight, lawyer and politician
Husain, Miyan Sar Fazal 1877-1936
Ḥusain, Miyān̲ Sar Faz̤al, 1877-1936
Mian Fazl-i-Husain, 1877-1936
Miyan Sar Fazal Husain, 1877-1936
Miyān̲ Sar Faz̤al Ḥusain, 1877-1936
Miyān̲ Sar Faz̤al Ḥusain 1877-1936
Ḥusain, Miyān̲ Sar Faz̤al 1877-1936
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Husain, Fazli, Mian, Sir, 1877-1936
Husain, Fazli, Mian, Sir, 1877-1936
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