Koželuch, Leopold (1747-1818).
Variant names
Archival Resources
Showing 1 to 10 of 20 entries
Relation | Name |
associatedWith | British Library. |
associatedWith | Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien. |
associatedWith | Library of Congress. Music Division. |
associatedWith | Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). Music Library. General Manuscript Collection. |
associatedWith | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. |
associatedWith | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. |
associatedWith | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. Musiksammlung. |
associatedWith | Peabody, Augustus, |
associatedWith | Pleyel, Ignaz, 1757-1831. |
associatedWith | Thomson, Mr. (George), 1757-1851. |
Showing 1 to 10 of 13 entries
Birth 1747-06-26
Death 1818-05-07
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Variant Names
Cozeluch Leopold 1747-1818
Jan Antonín Koželuh
Kotzeluch, L. 1747-1818
Kotzeluch, Leopold, 1747-1818
Kotzeluch, Leopold.
Kozeluch, L.
Kozeluch, L. 1747-1818
Kozeluch, L. A. 1747-1818
Kozeluch, L. A. 1747-1818 (Léopold Anton),
Kozeluch, L. A. 1747-1818 (Léopold Anton),
Kozeluch, Leophold, 1747-1818
Kozeluch, Leopold
Kozeluch, Leopold (Leopold Anton), 1747-1818
Kozeluch, Leopold A. 1747-1818
Kozeluch, Leopold Anton
Kozeluch, Leopold Anton 1747-1818
Kozeluch, Leopold Antonin 1747-1818
Kozeluch, Leopold, 1747-1818.
Kozeluch, Leopoldo 1747-1818
Kozeluck, Citoyen 1747-1818
Kozeluh Leopold
Kozeluh, Leopold 1747-1818
Koźeluh, Leopold, 1747-1818
Koz̆eluh, Leopold Antonin Tomás̆, 1747-1818
Koz̆eluh, Leopold Antonin Tomás̆, 1752-1818
Koz̆eluh, Leopold Antonin Tomás̆ 1747-1818
Koz̆eluh, Leopold Antonin Tomás̆ 1752-1818
Kożeluh, Leopold, 1747-1818
Koželuch, Anton 1747-1818
Koželuch, Leopold A. 1747-1818
Koželuch, Leopold Anton 1747-1818
Koželuh Leopold 1747-1818
Koželuh, Ioannes A. 1747-1818
Koželuh, Ioannes Antonius 1747-1818
Koželuh, Jan A. 1747-1818
Koželuh, Jan Antonín 1747-1818
Koželuh, Leopold Antonín 1747-1818
Koželuh, Leopold Antonín Tomáš, 1747-1818
Koželuh, Leopold Antonín Tomáš, 1752-1818
Koźeluh, Leopold 1747-1818
Kożeluh, Leopold 1747-1818
Koželuch, (Leopold) Jan Antonín Tomáš.
Koželuch, Leopold A.
Koželuch, Leopold A. (Leopold Anton)
Koželuch, Leopold Anton
Koželuch, Leopold Antonin
Koželuch, Leopold Antonín.
Koželuch, Leopold.
Koželuh, Jan Antonín
Koželuh, Leopold
Koželuh, Leopold Antonín 1747-1818
Koželuh, Leopold Antonín Tomáš, 1747-1818
Koželuh, Leopold Antonín Tomáš, 1752-1818
Koželuh, Leopold Antonín.
Koželuh, Leopold, 1747-1818
Leopold Kotzeluch
Leopold Koželuh
Кожелух, Л 1747-1818
Кожелух, Л. 1747-1818 (Леопольд),
コジェルフ, レオポルト
コジェルフ, レオポルト・アントン
Shared Related Resources
Koželuch, Leopold (1747-1818).
Koželuch, Leopold (1747-1818). | Title |