Born, 1926; educated, Worthing High School, 1935-1943; St John's College, Cambridge, 1943-1945, 1948-1949; Assistant Experimental Officer, National Physics Laboratory, 1946-1948; Research student, University Mathematical Laboratory, Cambridge, 1949-1953; Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge, 1952-1955; Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, USA; Computer Department of Ferranti Ltd, 1955-1964; part-time Professor of Automatic Data Processing, University of Manchester and ICT Ltd, 1963-1964; Professor of Computing Science and Director, Centre for Computing and Automation, Imperial College, 1964-1970; Consultant to International Computers Limited, 1964-1965, 1968-1970; Consultant to the Ministry of Technology, 1966-1969; President, British Computer Society, 1967-1968; Director of various companies in the Miles Roman Group, 1970-1971; Senior Consultant, PA International Management Consultants Limited, 1972-1975; died, 1975.
From the guide to the GILL, Stanley Professor (1926-1975), 1964-1971, (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine)
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